<!-- ALTERNATING MESSAGE TEXT BOX --> <!-- This goes into the HEAD of the html file --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Copyright 2001, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to http://sivamdesign.com/scripts/ --> <!-- var text = 0; var message=new Array(); message[0] = "Hello and Welcome to Sandeep's JavaScripts Page!" message[1] = "Available here are some free and useful scripts." message[2] = "They are free to use so long as the © notice is retained." message[3] = "Have a look around and see if you find any script you like." function changeText() { if (message.length > 0) { document.change.descript.value=message[text]; text++; } if (text == 4) {text = 0; } // change the # 4 at the left to the maximum # of message lines you want included window.setTimeout("changeText()", 3500); } // change the # on the left to adjust the speed of the // scroll. The smaller the # the faster the speed //--> </script> <!-- Note the script in the BODY tag --> <body onLoad="changeText();"> <!-- This goes into the BODY of the html file --> <form name="change"> <textarea name="descript" rows="2" cols="33" wrap="virtual"></textarea> </form>