<!--REDIRECT AS PER BROWSER LANGUAGE--> <!-- This goes in the HEAD of the html file --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Copyright 2004, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to http://sivamdesign.com/scripts/ --> <!-- if (navigator.userLanguage) {theAgent = navigator.userLanguage;} else {theAgent = navigator.language;} if (theAgent.indexOf('en') != -1) {location.href = "english.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('fr') != -1) {location.href = "french.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('es') != -1) {location.href = "spanish.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('de') != -1) {location.href = "german.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('it') != -1) {location.href = "italian.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('ja') != -1) {location.href = "japanese.html";} if (theAgent.indexOf('zh') != -1) {location.href = "chinese.html";} //--> </script> <!-- Just change the URLs in the script to suit your needs. The script should be typed into the file that will be the default page. Ex.: if you will be adding the script to the page viewed by English browser language users, get rid of the first option [location.href = "english.html"] in the script. -->