<!-- AUTO HIDE/SHOW POP-UP --> <!-- This goes in the HEAD of the html file that would contain the link to the pop-up --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Copyright 2002, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to http://sivamdesign.com/scripts/ --> <!-- function hideshow() { sd=window.open('window.html','NewWin','toolbar=no,status=no,width=350,height=135') sd.moveTo(10,10); } // --> </script> </head> <!-- This goes into the body of the file --> <a href="javascript:hideshow();">Click</a> to open small window. <!-- Instead of having a link open the window as shown above, the pop-up window can be made to open by itself by adding the script below to the BODY tag of the file. --> <body onLoad="hideshow();"> <!-- ======================================================================================= --> <!-- Create a html document (in this example "window.html") --> <!--This goes in the HEAD of the file --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Copyright 2002, Sandeep Gangadharan --> <!-- For more free scripts go to http://sivamdesign.com/scripts/ --> <!-- var sec = 0; function moveWin() { sec++; if (sec == 3) { window.blur(); } if (sec == 6) { window.focus(); moveTo(10,350); } if (sec == 8) { window.close(); } window.setTimeout("moveWin();", 1000); } // --> </script> <!-- This is the script to be included in the BODY tag --> <!--Note the addition to the BODY tag--> <body onLoad="moveWin();" bgcolor="#ffff00"> <!-- ======================================================================================= -->